Wednesday 4 September 2024

Warhammer - Skaven 1.9 (beta) out now!

Quite a few changes here, but nothing too major. First up; there will be more units added in a few weeks when the Age of Sigmar Battletome for Skaven is released, so you can look forward to some more stuff then! 

As for some of the bigger changes with this update, Life is Cheap is now an army special rule like in 6th ed, meaning you are free to blast into combat regardless of what units are involved rather than just Skavenslaves. 

The other major change is weapon teams, who are now stand-alone Special units. This means you have to invest more points for regular troops in core, but your weapon teams are no longer limited by the amount of infantry units you have. In order to keep gunlines in check though, there is a limit on how many duplicate weapon teams with missile weapons you can take. 

Lastly, Stormfiends are now Monstrous Creatures as better suitable for their size, and are not taken in units. This means they are individually more powerful, but are not as overwhelming to deal with as they were previously in units, making them more of a support unit than elite shock troops.

As usual, many thanks to my Patreons for your continued support, and hope you enjoy the update!


 Patch Notes:

  • All Skaven models can voluntarily target ranged attacks (including templates) at enemy units engaged in close combat with other friendly units even if they are further than 4" away. However, if they do so, they will hit their own troops on To Hit rolls of both 1's and 2's rather than just 1's.
  • Anytime a weapon that uses Unstable Ammunition scores a result of 1 on its roll To Hit, roll another dice. On a following roll of 1-2 the gun misfires and the shooter suffer the hit themselves.
  • New Weapon: Ratling Pistol
  • New Weapon: Warpvolt Obliterator
  • New Mount: Gnaw-beast
  • Grey Seers have no Warpstone Tokens by default. Cost 200 pts. Can take up to 5.
  • Deafening Peals includes Shrines.
  • Daemonic: A Verminlord has the Magical Attacks and Unbreakable special rules. In addition, they have a 5+ Ward save which gets reduced to a 6+ Ward save against Magical Attacks. However, if a Verminlord loses a round of close combat it must take a Daemonic Instability test. This works like a normal Break test, except that for every point it fails the test by, it suffers one additional Wound with no saves allowed. The Daemonic Instability test can use Inspiring Presence and/or Hold Your Ground as normal.
  • To throw the Scry-orb, place the small round template with its centre anywhere within 12" and line of sight of the Verminlord Warpseer – it scatters D3".
  • Warlock Masters/Engineers may take up to 3/1 Warpstone Tokens.
  • Added multiple new spells to the Magic Lores.
  • Added multiple new Magic Items. Tweaked the rules and costs on several existing items.
  • Moved some Wargear to Magic Items. Wargear no longer counts towards Magic Item allowance. Limited the amount that can be taken by a single character.
  • Assassins may take slings.
  • Plague Priests may not take mounts.
  • Spears for Clanrats cost 0.5 pts.
  • Stormvermin Leader may take a Warplock Pistol.
  • Weapon Teams are now Special Units. Each Warpfire Thrower, Ratling Gun, Warpvolt Scourger and Poisoned Wind Mortar counts as the same Special choice for the purpose of taking duplicate units. Reworked the results on the misfire charts slightly.
  • Warp-grinders must deploy with any friendly Infantry unit.
  • New Unit: Warpvolt Scourgers
  • Skavenslaves pay 2 pts for polearms and slings.
  • The unit must include one Pawleader for every 20 Skavenslaves. Cost 15 pts.
  • Night Runners are Skirmishers by default. Can replace throwing weapons with slings for 2 pts.
  • Giant Rats have Unit Size 10+.
  • Plague Disciples: A unit of Plague Censer Bearers within 3" of a friendly units of Plague Monks may use the "Look Out, Sir" rule as if they were characters. In addition, if the Plague Censer Bearers are within 6" of a Plague Furnace they have the Stubborn special rule.
  • Wolf Rats have the Scurry Away special rule.
  • Poisoned Wind Globadiers do not have light armour by default. Cost 8 pts.
  • Warplock Jezzails cannot take a champion.
  • Ratling Gun is Ponderous. Costs 55 pts.
  • Poisoned Wind Mortar does not have Move or Fire. If the unit moves and fires in the same turn, the shot will always be fired indirectly.
  • Doom-flayers are Chariots.
  • Stormfiends are Monstrous Creatures, single model units. Cost 70 pts. Have light armour by default. Models with close combat weapons may upgrade to medium armour. You may take 1-2 Stormfiends as a single Rare choice. Grinderfists cost 20 pts.
  • Too Horrible to Die is not affected by Flaming Attacks.
  • Skryre Claws upgrade for Brood Horror costs 5 pts.
  • New Rare Unit: Ratling Warpblaster
  • Thanquol has 5 Warpstone Tokens.
  • Tretch Craventail has light armour.

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