Tuesday 10 September 2024

Warhammer - High Elves 1.6 (beta) out now!

Another quick update as planned! Nothing too major, mostly just minor tweaks and some additions. The main new thing is the addition of Elven Honours from 6th edition and The Old World, meaning you can build characters for each of the different regions of Ulthuan now, rather than just the existing support characters. High Magic now mirrors that of the Lizardmen book (but with its unique Lore Attribute), and Mist Magic has been reworked a bit. 

As for new things, the Handmaiden is back as a hero, with the unit now essentially being an upgrade for the Sisters of Avelorn instead, which are now a Rare unit. You also have access to War Lions in Special, and last but definitely not least - Drakemasters, as seen in 3rd and 6th edition! This is by far the biggest "monstrous cavalry" - so big that they are monstrous creatures instead. Costing a whooping 175 pts, you are not likely to take more than 1-2 in most games - which is probably for the best.

Other new additions are essentially Regiments of Renown that are upgrades which you gain access to through certain special characters. As for the latter, six of them have been removed, but their magic items have been added to the magic item pool instead, allowing you build these characters yourself for the most part.

Hope you enjoy the update as usual, and many thanks for your continued support as always!


Patch notes:

  • Elven Grace works for mounted models.
  • Lion Cloak: The bearer gains the Natural Armour (6+) special rule against missile attacks.
  • Dragon Armour gives a 3+ save.
  • Added 6 new spells to High Magic and reworked existing spells.
  • New section: Elven Honours.
  • Added several new Magic Items.
  • Princes and Nobles have light armour by default. They may not take Lion Chariots, Lion Cloaks, Dragon Armour, Sun Dragons or Star Dragons without the appropriate Honour.
  • Loremaster of Hoeth is a Level 3 Wizard. Cost 250 pts.
  • Nobles cost 55 pts.
  • Anointed of Asuryan costs 145 pts. Flamespyre Phoenix mount costs 210 pts.
  • Sea Helm may be Battle Standard Bearer.
  • Mistweaver cannot upgrade to Lvl 2. Adjusted wording and casting values on Mist spells.
  • Increased cost of Ithilmar barding.
  • Sun Dragons are limited to Dragon Mages.
  • Griffon is a Monstrous Creature.
  • Handmaiden of the Everqueen is a Hero, not a rare unit.
  • Spearmen do not have Fight in Extra Ranks (1) (can be taken as a Honour instead). Cost 10 pts.
  • Medium armour for archers cost 1.5 pts.
  • Warriors have medium armour by default, cost 9 pts. Cannot take two hand weapons or skirmish.
  • New Core Unit: Rangers
  • Silver helms have optional barding, cost 18 pts by default. Increased the cost of heavy armour.
  • Reaver Knights have light lances by default, cost 15 pts.
  • Removed Woodsman's Axe.
  • White Lions have Multiple Wounds (2), Ld8.
  • Dragon Princes cost 30 pts.
  • Shadow Warriors have WS5 and Elven bows. May take Elven longbows. May not take shields. May not take standard bearer or musician. Have the Loner special rule.
  • Sisters of Averlorn is a Rare Unit. May be taken as a Special Unit if Alarielle is in the army. May take spears and full command.
  • Tiranoc and Lion Chariots can be upgraded to standard bearers.
  • Lion Chariot costs 100 pts.
  • New Special Unit: War Lions
  • Phoenix Guard may take a Magic Standard worth up to 75 pts. Have Elven Grace.
  • Phoenix Guard may be taken as a Special Unit if Finubar is the Army General.
  • Lothern Skycutter costs 80 pts.
  • Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower has a range of 36".
  • Attuned to Magic: A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save and the Magical Attacks special rule. At the start of each Magic phase, roll a D6 and consult the table to see what effect it will have until the start of the next Magic phase.
  • Flamespyre Phoenix has A4, costs 240 pts.
  • Frostheart Phoenix has A3, costs 245 pts.
  • Added 4 new upgrades to the Phoenixes.
  • New Rare Unit: Drakemasters
  • Finubar and any unit of White Lions of Chrace that he joins are Unbreakable.
  • If Alarielle is with a unit of Sisters of Averlorn, the whole unit gains the Stubborn special rule.
  • Eltharion the Grim has an Elven bow.
  • If Eltharion the Grim is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Sentinels to Silverin Guard for a cost of +2 points per model. This unit has heavy armour and the Magic Resistance (1) special rule.
  • Eltharion the Blind has Killing Blow.
  • Alith Anar has the Loner special rule.
  • The Grey: If Alith Anar is included in your army, you may upgrade one unit of Shadow Warriors to The Grey for a cost of +1 point per model. If this unit is wholly within a terrain feature, enemies cannot draw Line of Sight to them unless they are within 12".
  • Imrik has A5, costs 590 pts.
  • The Fireborn: If Imrik is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Dragon Princes of Caledor to The Fireborn for a cost of +2 points per model. This unit has the Flaming Attacks and Multiple Wounds (2) special rules.
  • Sea Lord Aislinn does not have any Magic Items. Can pick items up to 100 pts. Has WS7, BS6, I7. Costs 180 pts.
  • The Storm Riders: If Sea Lord Aislinn is your Army General, you may upgrade one unit of Lothern Sea Guard to Storm Riders for a cost of +1 point per model. This unit has the Vanguard special rule, and caused Fear into all Dark Elves.
  • Korhil have the previous Woodsman's Axe abilities and Multiple Wounds (2). Cost 175 pts.
  • The Puremane Company: Unless Korhil is mounted on a Lion Chariot of Chrace, he must be accompanied by a unit of White Lions of Chrace chosen from the army list as normal. This unit has the Immunity (Fear) special rule. Korhil may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Caradryan has Blessings of Asuryan, costs 200 pts.
  • Keepers of the Flame: Unless Caradryan is mounted on Ashtari, he must be accompanied by a unit of Phoenix Guard chosen from the army list as normal. This unit has the Magical Attacks special rule. Caradryan may never choose to leave this unit.
  • Ashtari has A4, costs 260 pts.
  • Removed Althran.
  • Removed Selafyn.
  • Removed Salendor.
  • Removed Liandra Athinol.
  • Removed Thaindal.
  • Removed Hallar.

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