Thursday, 11 September 2014

New Albion and Estalia updates out now!

Another set of small updates here, changing the following:


  • Nerfed Cormac Chath and Conor McFeud. The former could cause way too much damage alone, and the latter were too unkillable. Don't think I have uploaded these fixes before, though they were patched quite a while ago based on feedback.
  • Several minor text formatting fixes.
  • Fixed formatting error caused by this update (20/10).


  • Conquistadors now have light armour by default, can upgrade to heavy armour.
  • Genitors do not lose Fast Cavalry with LA.
  • Genitors may take spears.
  • Several minor text formatting fixes and some minor edits to the fluff.

In more interesting news, I will be making some changes regarding the release order. I've decided to scrap the release of the Mordheim characters as a stand-alone supplement, these will instead be included in the special characters book. I simply felt that it would be a bit too barren of a release to put out as a whole new document, so they should make a better fit with the already existing Special Characters. What this in effect means is that I will be pushing forward the date of the planned Bretonnia update, which I know some of you have really been looking forward too. Going to try to have it finished later this month.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

New Norse update out now!

Sorry for the lack of updates recently, been busy at work and grinding down my unplayed Steam games (gotta get my money's worth from all those sales!). This is just a smaller update to fix some minor issues with the book that cropped up during playtesting:
  • Bone of Ullr 15 pts (50 were insanely expensive considering how random it is).
  • Angvar's Fury now gives Hatred instead of Frenzy (Frenzy seemed pretty pointless since they can already get it through Berserkergang).
  • Gate of Hel now effects individual models rather than whole units (on par with other vortex spells).

If there is anything else you readers feel needs to be changed with the Norse list, let me know in the comments.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Multiple updates out now!

These updates changes the following:

  • Samurai Warriors GW's 2 pts/model.
  • All samurai characters -10 pts, Hatamoto -5 pts.
  • Kitsune only ethereal outside combat. Enemies must test to pursue it. 60 pts.
  • Ashigaru Spearmen no longer fight in extra ranks in addition to their spears.
  • Mizuchi 145 pts.
  • Mikoshi Shrine 125 pts, 4+ ward save. No longer have the Blessing of Courage.
  • Oni GW's 4 pts.
  • Sumo Warriors now cause impact hits on infantry.
  • Kabuki Dolls no longer have LA, 11 pts.
  • Wako Pirates now have katanas, no longer swap for bows.
  • Samurai Cavalry and Red Devils are now Fast Cavalry, +1 pt.
  • Daimatzu Mon now allow re-rolling failed Parrys as well.
  • A couple of bug fixes and clarifictaions.

  • Stance of the Dragon renamed Iron Discipline, only effects combat resolution, not steadfast.
  • Stormhurler Ballistas now work like Elven Bolt Throwers, 50 pts.
  • Imperial Infantry 4 pts basic. 
  • Imperial Infantry must now choose between spears or halberds, not both.
  • Revised options for Hill Tribesmen.
  • Sky Rockets Move or Fire instead of Slow to Fire.
  • Fire Bombs Armour Piercing, no longer flaming or ignoring armour saves. Causes D3 multiple hits.
  • Dragon's Breath fires in a straight line rather than as a breath weapon, Strength 4. You may take 1 Dragon's Breath for each Field Engineer in the unit.
  • Hand Mortar range increased to 36".
  • Fire Lances now Flaming, 2 pts each.
  • Foo Statues S4, 50 pts.
  • Steppe Archers no longer have LA, shields 1,5 pts.
  • Field Engineers now have heavy armour.

  • Wolf Raiders and Tarkans may take shields without losing Fast Cavalry.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

New Norse update out now!

This update changes the following:
  • Berserker-gang now works automatically whenever a successful charge is made.  
  • Shieldwall removed as army wide rule, only Huscarls have it to denote them as elite. This also sets the army apart from Dwarfs and gives them a more offensive role.
  • War Chant of Ulric now only gives +1 to wound.
  • Ulwerenar 16 pts, only 1W each, 4+ regen.
  • Shield Maidens 7 pts, Ld 7.
  • Raven banner 60 pts, now makes the units immune to Fear and Panic instead of Psychology., thus allowing for Counter-Charge as a charge reaction.
  • Ice Drake 225 pts.
  • Jarls can now carry the Battle Standard as well as Skalds.
  • Valkyries bumped to 3A each like Cairn Wraiths. 
  • Huscarls 12 pts, keeps Shieldwall, can form it and receive AS bonus against missiles by losing movement. This makes them more of a stand-out tactical unit.
  • Berserkers 14 pts, no equipment. Can purchase weapons instead. Blood-crazed now gives them Devastating Charge while Frenzied instead.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

It's (almost) official: Bretonnians in July!

For those of you who haven't visited the larger forums; Bretonnia is apparently scheduled for a July release this year! According to the rumours, they are due for plastic Grail/Questing Knights, plastic characters, and Knights on foot!

The reason I decided to bring this up is of course because of my own version, which several of you have asked me what's to happen to it after the official release. As always with my ever-changing mind, I honestly cannot say. I was working on a new update for the book (mainly smaller balance changes and a new layout), but this will at least have to wait until the official release.

What is most likely to happen is that my version will be considered invalid (which is fine), but seeing as people might have already have gotten (or plan to) models for the new units that GW might not add to the book, I will make a special compendium with these units so you can include them with the rest of the official rules. I intend to do the same for all other armies later on as well, to bring back what GW took away, and add new units to boot!

But for now, let's all just cheer that the Brets will finally get their due soon, and I will write up a review for the book as soon as I've read through it. Vive la Bretonní!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

New Nippon update out now!

Updated 8/6

Pretty important update here, which changes Nippon's Kenjutsu rule. While I like the current version just fine, it doesn't really fit with the way Kenjutsu would work in reality with a series of parries and counter-attacks. Instead, it now works the following way:
  • Kenjutsu now gives models the Parry rule. For each successful Parry save, you get to make an additional attack. All in all, this will mean that Nippon loses a little bit of damage output in combat, but earns some survivability, and makes them more of duellists as opposed to just cutting through the opposition like Chaos Warriors.
  • Way of the Warrior restriction of not being allowed to join Ashigaru lifted.
  • Mempo of Honour 40 pts.
  • Shogun 325 pts
  • Daimyo 115 pts.
  • Taisho 70 pts. 
  • Hatamoto 45 pts.
  • Shinobi 80 pts, no longer have basic ward save. Can take magic items as well as poisons.
  • Red Ronin 225 pts.
  • Red Ronin's katana now gives him the equivalent of Red Fury. 
  • Hitomi Gozen 100 pts. 
  • Sarutori Hanzo 215 pts. Was way overpriced before.
  • Ninja 10 pts, no longer have ward saves.
  • Removed Redemption rule from Ronin. At 9 pts each, they just make too effective speedbumps against characters.
  • Red Devils 21 pts.
  • Mizuchi -1T, 135 pts. Did some comparisons to the new DE monsters, at 200 pts, the Mizuchi would never be worth taking. At its new cost, it makes for a weaker support monster akin to a chariot as opposed to wreaking havoc on its own.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

New Cathay update out now!

This update changes the following:

  • Stance of the Dragon - replacing Glory for the Dragon Emperor. Units with this rule counts as having double ranks (to a maximum of +3). This means that as long as you have enough ranks, Cathayan units will be hard to break to the front, which should offset their otherwise rather lacking damage output in combat and low saves. Will need playtesting to ensure it's balanced.
  • Drum and Gong acts as a normal/extra musician to all units within 12", +15 pts.
  • Repeater Crossbowmen -1 pt.
  • Hill Tribesmen loses Frenzy, -1pt.
  • Emperor's Guard -1 pt.
  • Swordsaints -1 pt.
  • Celestial Dragon Monks -2 pts.
  • Foo Statues -5 pts.
  • Terracotta Warriors -5 pts, halberds instead of add. HW's, -1 WS, S, T, I. They are more like skeletons, in short.
  • Stormhurler Ballista -15 pts.
  • The Swooping Hawk +10 pts.
  • Improved formatting in the background section.
  • Some new art.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

New Araby update out now!

This update changes the following:
  • New Zealotry rule; all units counts as having 1 more rank than normal for determining steadfast. In the first round of combat, they also take break tests on 3D6. I felt this would be a better way of representing their high morale and willingness to die for their god, without giving making them too hard to shift. It increases their chance of standing their ground for a little while, while still keeping their hit-and-run tactics intact.
  • Onager replaced with Basilica Cannon. You asked for it! Rather than going with an archaic stone thrower, I included the famous Ottoman Cannon from the siege of Constantinople instead. For gameplay's sake though, they work like normal Great Cannons. Places Araby a little bit more in the present Warhammer age, along with their Janissaries.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

New Norse Update out now!

This update changes the following:
  • Counter-charge back as an army special rule - I found this to be more in line with the newer army books, where multiple army special rules are becoming more common.
  • Shieldwall simplified to work like the new Dwarf book.
  • War Mammoth -50 pts.
  • Frost Giant -25 pts, can now take great weapons and heavy armour.
  • Ice Drake -25 pts, -1T. Same stats as a Sun Dragon. 
  • Seers and Vitki have stats and pts costs equal to that of normal human wizards. 

Sunday, 18 May 2014

New Nippon update out now!

Updated 23/5

After playing the army last weekend (ended in a massacre victory for me, yay!), I looked over the points costs for several units, and noticed they were still priced after the Empire book rather than the meta. So this update changes the following:
  • Katanas now allow re-rolling 1's To Wound (two-handed only). This is to give basic samurai a little bit more punch in combat, while retaining the katanas feel as a superior cutting weapon, as opposed to a piercing one. 
  • Samurai Warriors, Ashigaru and Onna Bushi -1 pt.
  • Red Devils +2 pts (did a mistake last time I did their pts cost).
  • Ryujin renamed Mizuchi, -50 pts, no longer Fly.
  • Sashimonos -15pts, only gives +1 rank for steadfast, not combat resolution.
  • Kensai -10 pts.
  • Invocation of the Kami only gives +1 to cast rather than D3, works on doubles instead of 6's. 
  • Mikoshi Shrines are now infantry and may join units. All blessings are now bound spells. 
  • Hitomi Gozen is now infantry, can choose warhorse as an option. She no longer has a bow, only her naginata. 

Friday, 16 May 2014

New Dogs of War update out now!

The update changes the following:
  • Sellsword Veterans heavy armour now priced correctly at 2 pts/model.
  • Halflings may take slings.
  • Ribault lowered to 85 pts.
  • Dwarfs and greenskins can now be included in the same army.

New Kislev update out now!

This update changes the following:
  • Glorious Charge now allows models to charge, fall back and reform during their turn if they win their combat. They now cause fear rather than panic.
  • Screeching Back Banners lowered to 20 pts.
  • Gospodar Militia loses light armour.
  • Streltsi increased to 12 pts.
  • Hawks of Miska are now Swarms.
  • Urugan Cannon lowered to 85 pts.
  • War Wagon lowered to 175 pts.
  • Armoured War Bear lowered to 160 pts.
  • Sons of Ursun no longer have great weapons, can buy optional lances.
  • Tzarina Katarin can exchange her Warhorse for a War-sled.
  • Improved layout in the geography section.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

New Estalia update out now!

After many delays, here's the promised update for Estalia. It's not particularly big in terms things added, but it does make a large number of balance changes:

  • Tercio Formation (finally) fixed. It now works like a cross of Pirazzo's Lost Legion and Empire detachments.
  • Pikemen may be upgraded to Aventuros for +1WS and Initiative. Aventuros may form Tercio Formations with Rodeleros. This way, you have to pay a premium since it's a more effective fighting unit.
  • Most Infantry units dropped in price. Pikemen, Crossbowmen, Handgunners, Almogavars, Marines, Mountain Bandits, Sisters of Fury, Black Watchmen and Conquistadors are now 1-2 pts cheaper.
  • Improved text formatting in the background section.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Dropping support for Issuu and Scribd

Due to the annoyance of having to manually upload updates to these two sites, I've decided to drop the support for those versions. This won't affect the majority of you since downloading from Google Drive is easier anyway, and minor updates are often only uploaded here to begin with. Plus, Scribd have an annoying tendency to delete some documents by mistake due to them being similar to previously removed official GW publications, so you can't even find the whole collection there anyway. All books will still remain on these sites since they still show up very high in the search results, thus making it easier for new players to find them, but they will be marked as outdated.

Along this, I'm also dropping the support of two existing documents, Fimir and Classic Regiments of Renown, which are not available on this site at the moment anyway. Fimir will of course return as an Allied Contingent down the line in an updated 8th ed format, but I don't think I will be working more of the Classic RoR's. This is due to many of them simply not fitting with the current background of Warhammer, and several already have official updates as Special Characters or current RoR's. More than that, most of them were never mercenaries to begin with, so the term "Regiment of Renown" isn't all that fitting as it would allude to them being Dogs of War, which they in most cases are not. The rules will still be available online for those who might be interested in either using their rules or read their background, but they won't see any new support beyond that.

BattleScribe files for Albion, Amazons, Araby, Bretonnia and Cathay out now!

Many thanks to Shadow (Alethea Emyth) who put these together. They have all been added to the rest of the BattleScribe files under "Other Downloads".

New DoW and RoR update out now!

Some minor tweaks to improve internal and external balance between Sellswords and Pikemen:

  • Pikemen are now 1 pt cheaper (also includes RoR). Mathematical playtesting (as well as practical) shows that Pikemen will on average lose against other troops of equal cost, be they halberdiers or spearmen. Only against swordsmen will they have a small advantage, as long as they get to strike with a maximum number of attacks every round (requires a minimum of 25 models).
  • Sellswords halberds/flails increased to 2 pts each. This is because high strength attacks are so much more effective in 8th ed compared to 7th ed. This slight increase puts them on the same level as the Empire.
  • Sellswords armed with flails/halberds or great weapons must take an additional piece of equipment. This to improve the internal balance between these choices and pikemen. High strength attacks now pays a premium price in the form of mandatory additional equipment to improve parity.
Google Drive only.

Nippon update out now!

I know, I know, Estalia should have been first, but I've yet to come up with a decent way to make the Tercio really work. I will discuss this thoroughly my with gaming group this Sunday though, so hopefully I can have it out by then.

Anyway, this new Nippon update does the following:

  • New Hero choice - Kensai. I originally planned to have these guys as skirmishing special units, but skipped them since they would be too similar to Kabuki Dolls/Ronin. Instead, they are more similar to Estalian Diestros, as characters that specialize in fighting in Challenges. Like the Diestro, they can also make use of different duelling techniques, and wear no armour whatsoever. This gives Nippon a little more of the archetypical Samurai duels that are so present in Japanese culture, without changing the primarily historical base of the main list.
  • Ronin now starts without LA and can purchase it as an option instead. This allows players to use unarmoured Samurai in their army for more model variation.
  • Tengu may now buy optional naginatas (halberds).
  • Batake Clan Mon now allows Samurai Warriors to carry handguns. This was done to give players a bigger incentive to use this Clan Mon.
  • Ashiwara Clan Mon nerfed. It now only removes the penalty for firing at long range, not re-rolling 1's To Hit. Can't remember if I fixed it earlier already, but that's the way it works now regardless.
  • Fixed a large number of spelling/grammar issues in the history section.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Annoucing: Mordheim for Warhammer!

One thing that I (and I'm sure many others) have a fondness for are the models from Mordheim, now unfortunately discontinued (thanks, GW!). Seeing as I don't play Mordheim per say, but own quite a few of the models, I would very much like to see adaptations of their rules into Warhammer. So, what does this mean exactly?

Well, for starters, I intend to allow the Hired Swords (not all of them, but the more interesting ones) to be used as Hero choices for Dogs of War. Some are already included in the DoW book, but I want to expand upon the theme and add more characters that are not in the main book. Secondly, I intend to make all Dramatis Personae available for their respective armies as normal Special Characters, meaning you'll be able to field Johann the Knife, Bertha Bestrafung and all the others in your normal games of Warhammer.

Not going to put a date on it, but it should be a reasonably quick affair, though I intend to finish both the current Bretonnia and Estalia updates first.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Gallery: Kislev

This post will be dedicated to my personal Kislev collection, hopefully giving you players some inspiration and ideas for your own army. The colour scheme is the basic red and blue that the official GW army uses.

Tzarina Katarin

The now very old GW model. Still holds up reasonably well despite a static pose.


Model from Citadel Miniatures.


A Hussar from the now defunct Dwarf Tales Miniatures. Wish I would have picked up some more of their minis while I had the chance.

Ice Witch

A little steampunkish perhaps, but this Ice Witch from Wyrd Miniatures still looks the part with her furry hat.

Priest of Ursun

 The classic Ar-Ulric from the Storm of Chaos campaign. Wolf, bear - big difference, pff.


The official Kislev Ranger from Mordheim. Was lucky enough to find it tagged as just an "Elf Ranger" so didn't have to contend with any other buyers. Still cost me close to £20 though!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Dogs of War v.4.22 out now!

Seeing as I'm actually getting email-requests to work more on the books, I figured I'd better add at least something!

So, this new update is actually a pretty big one; Broken Lances are gone. Yup.

Instead, they have been replaced by a unit called Sellswords - a generic, build-your-own-mercs regiment! This means that you now have the option to make deserters from the Empire or Bretonnia, Kislevite Kossars, mercs from the Border Princes, Araby, Estalia, Cathay, Nippon, Albion - you name it. This unit can then be upgraded to Veterans, giving them +WS and optional heavy armour, as well as a magic banner.

No longer are you restricted to just Tilean humans, you can now put together a DoW army with units from the entire Warhammer World.

Oh, and crossbowmen can replace their weapons with handguns, so you can finally build those pavise handgunners that some of you wanted.

And for strict tournament players who don't want any of that extra stuff - here's a "lite" version of the DoW book, containing only the Ravening Hordes units and official add-ons, updated for 8th ed: Dogs of War: Tournament Edition

Note: this update is only available on Google Drive at the moment. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Dogs of War 4.21 out now!

[Edited to sound less douchebagery] Due to some negative feedback from tournament players, we at DoW Online went back and re-did certain parts of the list to have a chance seeing the list allowed at more tournaments. Some important issues were brought up and have been fixed accordingly. What follows is a list of changes in 4.21:
  • Removed stacking of War Academy abilities like Rapid Deployment, make it 30 pts, general only.
  • Only 1 Merchant Prince may be included, including special characters.
  • Paymaster increased to 45 pts.
  • Paymaster "death-range" increased to 18" with a paychest. 
  • Nerf Lucrezzia Belladonna.
    Nerf/reword Stunning Beauty: "Any friendly Human unit within 8" of her rallies automatically during the Compulsory Movement phase."
    Nerf Phial of Poison: "Nominate D3 enemy characters at the beginning of the battle. Roll a D6 for each; a roll of 4 + means that the character has been poisoned and starts the battle with one Wound less than normal. "
    This keeps enemy characters from possibly getting killed outright.
    Nerf Potion of Pavona: "At the beginning of the battle, Lucrezzia may give the potion to any one character, unit Champion, or take it herself. Roll a D3..." 
  • Staff of Fickle Fortune: 3+ to work, 2 does nothing, 35 pts.
  • Marksmen of Miragliano: removed Marksmen ability. Maximilian gets the Marksman Trait.
  • Increase Ogre Great Weapons to 8pts/m.
  • Equipment options mandatory for Stradiots to increase their base price, while still keeping available model options at a maximum.
  • Increased Merc Elves to 7pts/m.
  • Justintine's Paychest gives "cold-blooded" for psychology tests.
  • Better clarification for Scorpions as units.
  • Ballista/Scorpion cap added to avoid spam.
  • Leonardo will only boost units in his vicinity, 100 pts.
  • Ghazak Khan is now normal Ca rather than MC.
  • Galloper Guns can no longer march, Bronzino's Master Gunner range nerfed to 3".
  • Dwarfs updated in accordance with 8th ed. 
I've also edited the background for multiple units, so there's quite a lot of new things to read in the bestiary. For the time being, this update only applies to the Google Drive versions. It includes the RoR book as well.

Aside from this, I haven't been able to work on the books particularly much due to work and having laser eye surgery earlier this month. My sight is improving well though, so I should soon be able to get back to work on more updates at least, though new material will still be awhile off.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Army Builder/BattleScribe Files

Rather than having direct links to each file (which would amount to 40+ files in the end if I have support for both Army Builder and BattleScribe), I've decided to keep them all linked through this post for now. This post will be updated as more files become available.


BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Shadow)

Chaos Dwarfs:

BattleScribe (by Shadow)

Dogs of War:

BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Shadow)


BattleScribe (by Ankhalagon)

Readme (various notes, known bugs, etc.):

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Wanted: BattleScribe/Army Builder and Gallery images!

In an effort to grow the site with more content, I want to add a section for list-builder program files available for download to the books. Seeing as there have been quite a few people contacting me about it or writing about it in the comments, I figured collecting all those files in one place would be a good idea. So, if you have made any army builder/battlescribe files to these armies, please feel free to send them to my email, and I will put them up in the download section. If possible, I will try to learn to program for them myself so I can put out updated versions quicker, but as I'm working full time right now, that might not be for quite a while. If I can get a basis for the lists however, I should be able to simply update them whenever a new update is released rather quickly.

I would also like people who have put together armies based on these books to send images of their models to make a gallery section on the site as a means to inspire others with ideas and suitable miniatures. I intend to add a section for my own Dogs of War, Arabyans, Bretonnians and Kislevites as soon as possible to get it started. Any such submissions should also be done through the "contact" option to the right (or by posting a link to your models in the comments section).

In other news, I'm currently working on an update for Bretonnia based on playtest feedback (including my own) that will tweak a couple of rules and improve the layout throughout the book. It should hopefully be out sometime this month. There will also be another update out for DoW when the new Dwarf rules are released which will contain balance changes that makes the army more suitable for [un-comped] tournaments. There will also be a smaller update for Estalia to make them on par with the new DoW update, and a small update to Araby to add some more background to the Crusades and improve the layout throughout.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Dogs of War 4.2 and new RoR update out now!

Finally out of beta, the Dogs of War book has now been updated into an "official" 4.2 version. There's not a whole lot of changes from the beta for those of you who downloaded it then, but if you didn't, here's a quick run-down of the major changes:

  • New units: Broken Lances, Pit Fighters, Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, Ribaults, Ballistae, Assassins, Griffons.
  • Rebalanced points costs for several units, e.g cheaper pikemen and crossbowmen.
  • New weapons and rebalanced old weapons: war hammers and blunderbusses, slightly weaker pikes, improved light crossbows.
  • Improved formatting and layout throughout the entire books.
  • Lots of new background for many units.
  • Plenty of new art.

Links are the same as before.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Dark times ahead at GW...?

Though I can imagine that many of you who frequent the Warhammer forums might already have heard of this, but GW is not in a very good place right now. Apparently, their revenue has gone down a whole 10% since last year, which caused their stocks to plummet almost 25% when it was announced. Soon after, it was announced that GW Germany would close down.
Even more troubling are the rumours that Bretonnia, Wood Elves, Beastmen and Tomb Kings will have their support dropped* as they sell the least amount of models (which isn't exactly helped by the fact that 2 of these army have ancient rules sets and the other 2 are extremely low on the power scale).

To be honest, this wouldn't surprise me in the least, and seeing as Tom Kirby (the current CEO) only cares about the stock price (since he is one of their biggest investors) one can imagine that he will do everything he can to maximise short-term profits until the day he retires (hopefully no more than 2 years now), regardless of what it actually means for the company in the long run.

Now, the reason why I'm bringing this up here is because of a rather simple reason: if Wood Elves aren't seeing an update in May this year, I'll take up updating their book again. Same goes with Dwarfs if their alleged February release turns out to be false. Heck, should GW decide to drop more stuff, I'll just update those too, and if/when they go bankrupt, I'll update the whole damn game if I have to. Or you know, get in line for a job at whoever buys the IP. They can't do a worse job than GW is currently doing at least...

*Dropped as in; won't have any new models, won't have any new army books, won't be sold directly in stores. It's more likely that they will go they way of Dogs of War, an army that is still technically playable, but have no official support from GW. You will still be able to play all these armies, but you will have to do so using outdated official rules. Models will still available through GW's online store while stocks last, but probably won't be recast unless there's large demand for it. Also note: this is just a rumour. I still expect to see Wood Elves get a book in in May.

On the topic of Gnoblars...

Some decent news there; I have started putting the list together using the material from the old Gnoblar Hordes list, and it's currently up to 27 pages (will most likely go down once I'm finished with the formatting). There's also another fan-made army book for Gnoblars which is as of yet, unfinished. I will probably contact the authors of that one to see if they intend to work on it further or if they would be willing to share their material. At any right, it might give me some ideas for rules.

I've earlier put a "maybe" on February in terms of release date, but I think that might have been a little too optimistic. Gnoblars aren't exactly at the top of the pyramid as far as interesting factions go to me, so I won't be working on them as much for my sake as it is for the community.
At the very least, the Gnoblar book (if one could call it that) will be an updated "port" of the 6th ed list, but I will most likely throw in quite a few more units as well. That said, it might not be as good as my previous work due to a certain lack of personal interest in the subject. However, I've thought the same thing about quite a few of the other books, and people have still really liked those anyway, so I could be wrong! At any rate, Gnoblars are on the way, but do try to keep your expectations reasonable ;)

Friday, 17 January 2014

Alternative Miniatures: Kingdoms of Ind

Here's a collection of miniatures suitable for a (human) Kingdoms of Ind army:

New Line
1st Corps
Old Glory

Alternative Miniatures: Chaos Dwarfs

Here's a list of suitable miniatures for a Chaos Dwarf army:

Forge World
Titan Wargames
Russian Alternative
Titan Forge

Alternative Miniatures: Pirates of Sartosa

Here's a collection of suitable miniatures for a Sartosan army:

Black Scorpion
Black Scorpion (Fantasy)
Reaper (Pirates)
Reaper (Sea Monsters)
Old Glory
Privateer Press
Wargames Foundry

Alternative Miniatures: Halflings

Here's a collection of suitable miniatures for a Halfling army:

Wargames Foundry
Black Tree
Black Hat
Forlorn Hope
White Knight
Effin Cool

Alternative Miniatures: Dogs of War

Here's a collection of suitable miniatures for a Dogs of War (Tilean) army:

Perry (Europeans)
Perry (War of the Roses)
Old Glory
Assault Group
Front Rank
Casting Room (Medieval)
Casting Room (Renaissance)
1st Corps

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Alternative Miniatures: Amazons

Here's a collection of suitable miniatures for an Amazonian army:

Wargames Foundry
Wargames Factory
Viking Forge

Alternative Miniatures: Estalia

Here's a collection of suitable miniatures for an Estalian army:

Assault Group
Outpost Wargames Services
Old Glory
Wargames Foundry (Eldorado)
Wargames Foundry (Wars of Religion)
Hell Dorado
Brother Vinni
Tercio Creativo
Casting Room
Avatars of War

Alternative Miniatures: Norse

Here's a collection of suitable miniatures for a Norse army:

Red Box
Mierce (Norse)
Mierce (Angelcynn)
Gripping Beast
Wargames Foundry
Old Glory (Nordvolk)
Old Glory (Vikings)
Black Tree Design
Steve Barber Models

Alternative Miniatures: Albion

Here is a collection of suitable miniatures to use for an Albion army:

Black Tree (Celts)
Black Tree (Picts)
Black Tree (Barbarians)
Wargames Factory
Wargames Foundry
Magister Militum
Gripping Beast
Confrontation (Sessairs)
Mierce (Albainn)
Mierce (Érainn)
Old Glory (Celts)
Old Glory (Picts)
1st Corps
Alternative Armies

Alternative Miniatures: Nippon

For this army there are a ton of different makers to go with, and thus it's very possible I might miss a few. Fill in in the comments if you know of any that I've missed.

Titan Forge
Perry Miniatures
Warlord Games
Steelfist Miniatures
Kingsford Miniatures
Old Glory Miniatures
Old Glory (West Wind)
West Wind
Black Hat
Wargames Foundry
Assault Group
Test of Honour

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Plans for the coming year

Happy New Year and all that! Been a while since I last posted anything substantial, what with the holidays and gaming taking up most of my time. I'm almost finished with the latest release version of the Dogs of War book, though it doesn't really vary that much from the beta already online.
However, I'm not sure just how much time I will really have to work on the books during the upcoming months, due to just having gotten a full-time intern-ship during January-March, after which I will most likely be working on another job during April-June. This means that my time will be cut a bit short when it comes to working on any new projects, and thus I definitely will not be able to keep up the same pace as I did during 2013.

That said, I should at least be able to squeeze in a couple of the smaller army lists planned since I don't really have any major revisions to do on the main books (except Special Characters), though I'm not sure exactly when. Naturally, I will keep the blog updated whenever I start on any of these. With a bit of luck, I might at least have the Gnoblar list out in February. Until then, you can look forward to the Dogs of War book (as well as the RoR) around next week.